Did you know that over 50% of website traffic comes from mobile devices? If you’re a B2C company, this number will likely be higher, with the majority of website users preferring to consume your content on mobile. So, you’ve probably heard of mobile responsive design. This is when a website designer or developer builds a desktop version of your website, then includes code to scale it down for smaller screens. Mobile first web development is very different.What Is Mobile First Web Design?As mentioned, mobile responsiveness doesn’t make mobile design the priority. That’s where mobile-first development comes in. Here, designers and developers start by creating wireframes and basic designs for the smallest screen size, then working up to larger screens. There are numerous reasons why prioritizing mobile screens first is logical. Firstly, as discussed, the majority of people are using mobile devices for browsing. To provide the best user experience, you have to start with the device used most.Secondly, the space limitation of mobile screen sizes can present issues when scaling down large screen designs. A mobile-first development process makes designers think about every element and encourages them to remove unnecessary clutter, enabling users to focus on key information.Mobile First Development Best PracticesNowadays, user experience is a priority for web developers, particularly because it’s a key SEO ranking factor. Hence, website development best practices focus on creating an easy-to-use, seamlessly designed website.