What Is An Industrial Design Service & How Does It Work?

Do you get confused by the word design? That’s probably because there are so many design services and job titles.

One of the more confusing sectors is industrial design. In this article, we’re going to dive into that. You’ll learn what it is and uncover how an industrial design service can help you develop ground-breaking products.

What Is Industrial Design?

Industrial design is an industrial-scale problem-solving exercise that requires creating and manufacturing products that improve people’s lives.

An industrial designer is tasked with improving existing products or creating new ones. They do this by assessing market needs, uncovering everyday problems that people face, formulating potential product ideas, and designing manufacturable solutions people will buy.

What Is An Industrial Design Service?

The industrial design process is vast. It requires specific technology, experience, knowledge, skills, and relationships. Additionally, one person alone can rarely do the job.

Overall, an industrial design service leads and oversees the creation of products that people want to buy while solving specific problems.

So, rather than hiring an in-house team or attempting to upskill existing employers, entrepreneurs can contract an industrial design service to help bring their product ideas to market.

What Do Industrial Design Services Provide?

Market Research & Product Idea Generation

Before product design and manufacturing can begin, you need to assess the market. An industrial design company will conduct market research to discover what problems your target audience faces, the issues they have with existing products, and how they currently overcome challenges.

From here, product idea generation can begin. It’s here that the best industrial design companies show their expertise by coming up with new and novel product ideas.

Product Design

Once you’re settled on the product you want to create. The industrial designer will begin designing the product.

This includes sketching, initial drawing, 3D modeling, and prototyping.

The product design process can move through multiple iterations of research, testing, and development until it is decided that a final prototype is ready to move to manufacture.

Sometimes, product design is referred to as its own service. However, it is considered one of the industrial design services that make up the entire product creation process.

Manufacturing Drawings & Specifications

Now you need to prepare for your product to be manufactured. Here, an industrial designer can prepare manufacturer’s drawings and provide detailed product specifications to ensure the perfect product comes off the production line.

Attention to detail is crucial here. The slightest miss-calculation or typo can dramatically impact the final product. So, it’s important to choose one of the best industrial design companies.

Manufacturer Sourcing

Finding a manufacturer experienced in the type of product you’re making within your budget can be challenging. One of the great things about working with an industrial design service provider is their contacts within the manufacturing industry.

They already have established relationships, know the important questions to ask, and are familiar with the finer details of all manufacturing processes.

End-to-End Project Management

If you’re an entrepreneur with an idea or a busy business with little spare time, this is the best part about any industrial design service.

End-to-end project management takes the stress off your shoulders. Furthermore, it improves your chances of sticking to your budget and schedule.

How Do I Find The Best Industrial Design Companies For My Project?

The top things to look out for when sourcing an industrial design service are:

Industry Experience & References

An industrial design service might have fantastic references from technology companies, but if you’re a textile brand looking to manufacture clothes, they’re possibly not the best choice for you.

It’s always recommended to choose a company with verifiable references and proof of success in your industry.


Ask yourself this – is this company treating me like they want to work with me? If they are, then great!

If they’re enthusiastic about your ideas and project, they’re more likely to give it their all to make it a success.


As with every service, budget is of huge importance. It’s a balancing act because you could turn down the perfect industrial design service if they’re slightly out of your budget. However, when the industrial design process is better, your product has a higher chance of generating more revenue.

Try to be flexible with your budget, and don’t let it be your number 1 deciding factor.

In Summary

Overall, an industrial design service is key to creating and manufacturing the best and most successful products.

Depending on the level of assistance you need, they can do everything from managing the entire process to the final manufacturer’s drawings – it’s completely flexible to your needs.

If you want to work with one of the best industrial design companies – our inbox is open. Get in touch today, and let’s create some incredible products together.

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